Chronic Temporomandibular Discomfort

Do you ever suffer from pain in your jaw? If so, you are not alone. Thousands of people struggle with jaw pain and do not know they could be suffering from tempromandibular joint disorder. Many of these things, like speaking, chewing and certain facial expressions, are possible thanks to the sophisticated temporomandibular joints, or TMJ, that hinge your jaw. Both... read more »

Effective TMJ Disorder Treatment Often Employs a Two-Stage Approach

Distress and discomfort in the temporomandibular joints that hinge your jaw can have a serious impact on your overall quality of life. Procrastinating professional treatment at TMJ Therapy could allow the problem to develop into something more severe. Many TMJ disorder sufferers complain of a pain or persistent ache near the temples or in front of the ears. This could... read more »

TMJ Disorder Can Have Several Different Root Causes

The temporomandibular joints that hinge your jaw are sophisticated enough to allow your mouth to move and apply complex forces. This allows you to speak clearly, chew and grind food, as well as make many common facial expressions. When discomfort, inflammation or dysfunction develops in these joints, it is often given the blanket term TMJ disorder. There are several potential... read more »

TMJ Disorder Treatment Starts with Basic Lifestyle Modification

TMJ disorder is a general term used to describe pain or other discomfort associated with the temporomandibular joints that hinge your jaw. These joints are very sophisticated and, in many cases, have pain or inflammation issues arise from seemingly mundane sources. Your dentist, Dr. Carl McMillan, often starts addressing TMJ disorder symptoms with basic lifestyle modifications. Oftentimes, this includes eating... read more »

What is TMJ Disorder?

Do you ever experience tightness or tension in your jaw when you wake up? Do you ever suffer from mild irritation or extreme pain in your jaw? Do you have similar pain or discomfort in your throat or in your neck? If so, you could be suffering from TMJ disorder, which is often referred to as temporomandibular joint disorder. As... read more »

TMJ Disorder Can Be from Multiple Sources

The temporomandibular joints hinging your jaw are sophisticated. They incorporate a cartilaginous disk and a concert of muscles and ligaments to enable you to bite, chew and grind food. The TMJ disorder is a general term used to describe an ache, pain, or general dysfunction in these joints. Identifying the primary cause of the problem can help increase treatment success.... read more »

What Causes TMJ Disorder

You probably know that the health of your mouth can actually affect your overall health. For example, you may have heard that gum disease can lead to issues such as gum disease, heart disease, or even lung disease. But did you know that issues in your mouth can also lead to issues such as frequent headaches? In fact, consistent jaw... read more »

Using a Nightguard to Treat TMJ and Chipped Teeth

Most adults that grind their teeth do so as a result of stress. Chronic night grinding can pose multiple threats to your mouth. The unnatural forces exerted by grinding your teeth can cause your bite pattern to meet improperly and result in chips on one or more teeth. Even if the chip doesn’t give you pain the compromised surface is... read more »

Nighttime Teeth Grinding Can Lead to TMJ

Are you finding your jaw sore in the morning after grinding your teeth at night? If this is something you are currently experiencing, it can pose a significant number of threats to your long-term oral health. The unnatural tension from constant teeth grinding can cause inflammation and soreness in the muscles and ligaments of your temporomandibular joints that hinge your... read more »