What Do You Know about TMJ and Its Effects?

What do you know about TMJ? Did you know that TMJ is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull? If this joint is damaged or not working properly, you may experience pain in your jaw, a clicking or popping sound, ear pain, headaches, and sore, stiff jaw muscles, These symptoms don't necessarily mean you do have TMJ, but... read more »

Treatment Options for TMJ

If you have TMJ, something as simple as gum chewing can cause the following: pain in the joints of the jaw, clicking and popping of the jaw, or pain in the ears, ear popping, dizziness, headaches or migraines, sore or stiff jaw muscles, and pain in your temple. So, what can you do? You can experience temporary relief by placing ice packs on the... read more »

TMJ Dentistry: How Can it Help?

What do you know about TMJ dentistry? Do you know what you can do if you have problems with your TMJ? Similarly, do you know why it’s important to address issues with your TMJ? The TMJ, also referred to as the temporomandibular joint, is the joint that connects your jaw and your skull. Unfortunately, problems with your TMJ can lead... read more »

What are the Symptoms of TMJ?

What do you know about TMJ dentistry? Do you know what you can do if you have problems with your TMJ? Similarly, do you know why it’s important to address issues with your TMJ? You see, your TMJ is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. If it is damaged or not working properly, you may experience pain... read more »

Common Symptoms You Should Know About TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorder, or more commonly known as TMD, affects nearly 10 million Americans. If you experienced arthritis, a dislocated disc in your jaw, misaligned jaw, or injury to your face, you may be experiencing some symptoms of TMD. Our team is going to give you some of the common symptoms of TMJ disorder and show you how you can help... read more »

10 Interesting Facts about TMJ Disorder

If you are curious about the facts behind TMJ disorder, or more commonly known as TMD, you’ve come to the right place. Our team is going to give you 10 interesting facts on the disorder and give you your best options for treatment. • TMD is an acronym that stands for temporomandibular joint disorder. • TMD is generally more common... read more »