Bruxism Signs and Symptoms

Bruxism is an oral health condition in which you clench and grind your teeth, typically while you sleep. It can introduce a lot of issues with your teeth, such as cracking, becoming worn down, and creating tension in your temporomandibular joint. Bruxism can be caused by stress, sleep disorders, anxiety, malocclusion (or “bad bite”), teeth that are missing or crooked... read more »

Spotting TMJ

Did you know, if you suffer from painful headaches or jaw pain, this could be a sign of TMJ? TMJ is a disorder that can cause many problems in your jaw joints, ears, head, face, and even teeth. This disorder can be painful and is important to find a solid treatment plan to reduce the pain.   Here at TMJ... read more »

Facts About TMJ Disorder

The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are your jaw joints. Disorders with these joints are very common. Some symptoms of TMJ disorders include: - Discomfort in the jaw or face - Clicking or popping in the TMJs - Headaches - A crunching sound when you use your jaw joints - A locking jaw - Discomfort when you chew - Ear pain, but... read more »

Common Symptoms You Should Know About TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorder, or more commonly known as TMD, affects nearly 10 million Americans. If you experienced arthritis, a dislocated disc in your jaw, misaligned jaw, or injury to your face, you may be experiencing some symptoms of TMD. Our team is going to give you some of the common symptoms of TMJ disorder and show you how you can help... read more »

10 Interesting Facts about TMJ Disorder

If you are curious about the facts behind TMJ disorder, or more commonly known as TMD, you’ve come to the right place. Our team is going to give you 10 interesting facts on the disorder and give you your best options for treatment. • TMD is an acronym that stands for temporomandibular joint disorder. • TMD is generally more common... read more »

Where to Turn if TMJ Disorders Are Causing You Pain

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. Everyone has two of these. They are the two joints, jaw muscles and ligaments that enable the opening and closing of the mouth. Your TMJ facilitate chewing, talking and even swallowing. These joints also control the lower jaw as it moves forward, backward and side to side. Each of your TMJ has a disc situated... read more »